September 22, 2008

Long time no see

Uhm, i had a writer's block!

Just kidding, 2 weeks in Ibiza were great ... but now it's back to work again. Luckily i've got some tunes to keep me going :)
Respect is still burning, as several people asked me to repost some old sets. Well, here's your chance to expand the collection. 2 reposts + a new set by Jef K (i actually thought i had posted this one but seems like i didn't, damn you Alzheimer!). This is house-music the way i like it.
By the way, if you understand the Dutch lingo, here's an interesting review on David Mancuso's set in Paris a few weeks ago at Le Concorde Atlantique aka the Respect boat.

MegaUpload: Respect at Fuse, Bob Sinclair 28.01.00. (re-post)
Respect is burning @ Fuse: dj Bob Sinclair 28.01.00

MegaUpload: Respect at Fuse, Jef K 18.06.99. (re-post)
 Respect is burning at Fuse: dj jefK 18.06.99 by

MegaUpload: Respect at Fuse, Jef K 07.04.00. (new)
 Respect is burning at Fuse, dj jefK 07.04.00