May 11, 2008


One of my top-5 favourite clubs ever is H2o in Pecq, i got to know it thanks to the At The Villa/Le Café-nights in '96 (fridays).
The club has always been booming, and for a while they even had 3 rooms running.
Downstairs played Vince and Johan, upstairs Laurent Warrin, and in the techno-room you could listen to some techno with a.o. Steve Cop.
After a make-over the techno room has disappeared (and to be honest the genre wasn't all that popular in the club in those days).

Nowadays the only original resident left is Johan, he still rocks his "houzy" white-room. After all those years the club can still be considered as an example to others with its innovating line-ups, surprising concepts and personal approach. Always a pleasure to be there!


  1. does seb is mixing there? The french guys ; i heard i was in touch with the the family ot this club

    news about him?
