February 7, 2007

Katrien Klausing does it in a chill-out room

I've been running this blog for 2 months now. When i started it up i wasn't very sure where it was going to lead me ... but it seems like "ripping tapes" is currently the main theme (i never really was a poetry kinda guy).

If you're into the electronic stuff, you're probably familiar with the Belgian R&S-label (Renaat & Sabine). The reputation of the label is mainly based on its techno-releases, featuring artist like Ken Ishii, Model 500, Joey Beltram, Robert Leiner, Carl Craig (69), ... to name a few. Check the player on their website if you want to enjoy some of those classics.

One of the sub labels was called Apollo, highly respected for its ambient-releases. In the early 90's this music-style was often played in so called "chill-out" rooms.

The set i've ripped was recorded in a chill-out room at a party in the Belgian Montini Club on the 25th of March, 1994 and features dj Katrien Klausing , (former?) R&S employee, who does/did management for artists such as Biosphere, and who now also manages other labels, featuring artists like Ozark Henry, DeLaVega, Mo&Grazz, Grazzhoppa... so it seems like she stayed in Ghent after all those years.

Although the tape is 13 years old, the sound quality is still very good, and comparable to todays recordings (TDK rules!).

MegaUpload: CHILL OUT! (90 minutes)
 Dj Katrien Klausing at Montini - 25-03-94 


  1. fantastische set, bedankt

  2. bij mij is de set gelieerd aan een andrea parker set?

  3. Als je nog zoiets achter de hand hebt laat het maar komen dan. Top set!

  4. @ anonymous: this set idd used to have an incorrect tag ;)
